Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Celebrity I Would Play in a Movie...

A celebrity I would play in a movie is Johnny Depp, I want to be in a movie with him because he's a funny guy with lots of talents and he also plays in my favourite movie called Pirates of the Caribbean. Johnny Depp gets serious when acting but after that he's a fun guy to be around with. A better thing to do is a make a regular movie about thing Johnny Depp WOULD do in his normal life. So this the celebrity I would go do a movie with. Thank you!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Some Fail Jokes....

What did the acorn say when it grew up?

Geometry! (Gee, I'm a tree!)

When Canada was a new country, it needed a new name. One day, a council got together to decide on a new name. They decided to put letters into a hat and draw them out one by one. Just for fun, they took out all of the vowels. One man was chosen to pick the letters and as he pulled each one out of the hat he said: "C, eh...

Tumbling Race Fail

                                                          WATCH OUT

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Be Careful!!

My Dream Vacation!

My dream vacation would be somewhere far, calm and hot outside. It would be Costa Rica because its awesome with beach houses right in front of a beach. It also has those great views everywhere you go the activities you can do there is zip-lining in the forest, bungee jumping and looking/petting animals. Swimming in the warm clear water would be awesome like looking at sea animals in there. This is where I would go on dream vacation. Thanks for reading blogger see you next time on my next blog entry!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Million Dollar Job!

If I were to get paid a million dollars, I would be a Sport Athlete and the sport I would play is soccer. All I do to get paid is to run and kick the ball to other teammates, or just kick it in the goal. After a winning victory everyone will cheer with joy because I am the main player and the one who won the champion ship. Also the more I get paid the more it inspires me to play harder and never give up so I get more money! People will stalk me everywhere trying to be like me, changing there names to match mine and they might even just take anything I use. So this I what I want to get one million dollars for!

Fail Jokes

*3 people where jumping off a building.*
*A geni pops up and says what would you like to land on when you jump?*
*Person #1 jumped and said money.*
*Person #2 said pillows*
*Person #3 sliped and said poop.*

Thats a Sick Ride

That Just Dirty!

Well Enjoy!

That is... umm Interesting?

That gotta Suck...

Friday, May 13, 2011

Welcome Fail Bloggers!

Hey guys. this short blog entry is just a little bio of me. Im a boy, still in school and I've got a creative mind. So I made this blog just to show you guys and girls some fails that I have found and just to see what your reaction to this! I will post fail videos and/or jokes send me in your so that I can post it on here! Hope you guys liked this little intro and hope you like this blog and whats its about to be! See ya!